Cluster search function

Using the search function it is possible to have a targeted search on single cluster, cluster initiatives and statewide networks in the different regions and technology fields.

Cluster database

The Cluster database offers an entire overview of the diversity of cluster, cluster initiatives and statewide networks in Baden-Wuerttemberg.

Cluster database
Globale ökologische Nachhaltigkeit mit dem Hintergrund grüner Technologie
Topic of the month

MLR: Initiativen zur Weiterentwicklung der Leitregion Nachhaltige Bioökonomie

Im Rahmen der Fortschreibung der Landesstrategie Nachhaltige Bioökonomie (LSNB) wird angestrebt,... Read more
Gruppenfoto. In der Mitte ist ein Frau die einen Check hält
Special News

WM: Förderung RegioWIN-Projekt

Wirtschaftsministerium bewilligt weiteres Projekt aus RegioWIN 2030: „I3-Lab“ in Heilbronn erhält... Read more

The clusters and cluster initiatives in Baden-Wuerttemberg

"Innovation is no guarantee against failure, but without innovation, failure is guaranteed." This statement made by Stefan R. Munz - the famous product and organisation developer - is an incentive for us to strengthen and continuously develop the potential for innovation of companies. This approach is particularly effective in networks and cluster initiatives." Read more
The clusters and cluster initiatives in Baden-Wuerttemberg