Logistics incl. Intralogistics

Logistics are an important enabling cross-sectoral industry for the industrial and manufacturing base in Baden-Württemberg, marked by complex systems and international relations at sustainable, intermodal use of infrastructure. Especially an export and transit state like Baden-Württemberg is unthinkable without an efficient logistics sector. Especially for export-oriented industries as automotive, engineering, chemical and electrical industries, a cross-sectoral, global and integrated working logistics industry is crucial.

Logistics incl. Intralogistics in Baden-Wuerttemberg

Baden-Wuerttemberg, with its central location is the ideal location in the global, but especially in the European logistics network. Logistics made-in-Baden-Wuerttemberg support not only the export, itself is a part of it. As highly esteemed experts the logistics service providers in Baden-Württemberg offer a global network with the best know-how that is also used by international enterprises. Especially in the field of intralogistics local companies are leaders.

In the core of logistics are transportation, transshipment and storage of products. Furthermore, logistics service providers in Baden-Wuerttemberg have established many additional services in the market. The logistics thus assumes basic functions in a productive economy. The sub-segment of the intralogistics focuses on the organization and optimization of intra-enterprise material flows.

The high demand for logistics services by the domestic industry means that all of the leading logistics service providers have offices in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The domestic enterprises in the sector are mainly considered as small and medium-sized businesses. Characteristic of the logistics industry in Baden-Wuerttemberg is a strong specialization in the needs of customers.

Baden-Wuerttemberg has the highest density of companies in Germany which have specializes in the field of intralogistics. In general likewise medium-sized companies here offer specialized, individual solutions, for example in the storage and consignment technique.

Research in the field of logistics takes place in Baden-Wuerttemberg at universities, colleges and the Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg as well as at the Fraunhofer Institutes and Steinbeis Transfer Centres in engineering, business administration and computer science. Science and industry in Baden-Wuerttemberg maintain a close dialogue on various networks such as the statewide logistics network (LogBW) and the intralogistics network Baden-Wuerttemberg (IN) as well as in various regional logistics clusters.

In the light of an increased globalization and increasing flexibility of production processes, logistics and intralogistics have a high growth potential. The combination of logistics, new information technology, industry 4.0 and sustainable mobility are considered particularly promising.

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