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The Neckar-Alb region includes the local districts Reutlingen, Tübingen and the Zollernalbkreis. The cities Reutlingen and Tübingen, located about 40 km south of the state capital Stuttgart, are considered the main centre of the region which constitutes the southern element of the European metropolitan region Stuttgart.

Important role of the automotive and mechanical engineering sector

The Neckar-Alb region covers an area of 2,465 square kilometres which is inhabited by 689,000 people. The region includes the local districts Reutlingen, Tübingen and the Zollernalbkreis. The cities Reutlingen and Tübingen, located about 40 km south of the state capital Stuttgart, are considered the main centre of the region. Compared to the average of Baden-Wuerttemberg as a whole, the region's economy is more predominantly characterized by the manufacturing sector. Consequently, business activities in the services sector account for a smaller share compared to the federal state's average.

The Neckar-Alb region is the southern element of the European metropolitan region Stuttgart. This is also reflected in the regional cluster structures. Especially the clusters in the automotive sector and in the field of mechanical engineering, which play an important role for the Neckar-Alb region, have to be considered in connection with the Stuttgart region. Located between the German motorways A8 and A81 south of the trade fair and in immediate proximity to the airport, the region profits from fundamental advantages in terms of infrastructure. The clusters from the textile industry, medical technology and biotechnology are rather focused on the Neckar-Alb region and the southern neighbouring regions with respect to their cooperation activities. Four universities ensure an intensive knowledge transfer. The broadly diversified economic structure contributes to a supra-regional interdependence of the clusters.

The most important industries include (by the number of jobs liable for social insurance contributions excluding commerce, the construction and the public sector):

  • the metal and mechanical engineering industry as well as the manufacture of fabricated metal
  • the textile industry with the production of clothing

Compared to the other districts, the innovative strength of the Neckar-Alb region occupies a lower middle ranking. Nevertheless, innovation activities have shown an above-average development.



Innovation Index of the region*
Overall index34,6 %federal state 38,8 %
  • Level index
30,9 %federal state 36,5 %
  • Development index
45,5 %federal state 45,8 %


Share of the employment in the different sectors**
Manufactoring 38,2 %federal state 36,2 %
Services 61,4 %federal state 63,2 %
  • commercial sector
14,3 %federal state 13,3 %
  • corporate services
9,0 %federal state 12,5 %
  • transport
2,8 %federal state 4,1 %

*Statistical State Office of Baden-Wuerttemberg 2015

**Statistic of Employment of the Federal Employment Agency 2015

Contact person
IHK-Netzwerk Automotive c/o Industrie- und Handelskammer Reutlingen
Dr. Markus Nawroth
Hindenburgstraße 54
72762 Reutlingen
+49 7121 201-185
+49 7121 201-4185

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Membered cluster initiatives

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+49 7121 201-185
+49 7121 201-4185

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+49 7121 201-224
+49 7121 201-4224

Medical Valley Hechingen e.V.

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+49 7471 9429970
+49 7471 940-120

Medizintechnik Neckar-Alb

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