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Northern Black Forest

The region of the northern Black Forest includes the district of Calw, the Enz district, the district of Freudenstadt and the city of Pforzheim. The region occupies a bridging function to the neighboring regions of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart. Characteristic of the region are the medium-sized manufacturing enterprises.

Medium-sized enterprises and technology drivers as well as landscape and quality of life

In the region of the northern Black Forest, which covers an area of 2,340 km², lives a population of about 590,000 inhabitants. The region includes the district of Calw, the Enz district, the district of Freudenstadt and the city of Pforzheim. The region occupies a bridging function to the neighboring regions of Karlsruhe and Stuttgart, and is compared to the state of Baden-Württemberg marked significantly stronger by medium-sized enterprises that are to be counted for the manufacturing sector.

Many highly specialized medium-sized enterprises even today tie in with the artisanal and industrial traditions of the Black Forest - for example, the still significant jewellery and watch industry. But also new industries have emerged: In fact enterprises producing medical and dental technology precision products gain an ever-increasing importance to the economy of the region.

Although the industrial focus is with the city of Pforzheim - the center of the German jewellery and watch industries - in the north of the region, however, in the southern districts of Calw and Freudenstadt many companies are located that produce products of world class, as well. These include companies that are active in stamping and precision technology, surface engineering and plastics technology, but also manufacturers of woodworking machinery and furniture or suppliers of the major automobile manufacturers.

Well over 50% of the area of the northern Black Forest region is forested. In the 575 tourist companies in the region 3,440,009 overnight stays were recorded in 2012. (State: 6924 establishments 47,671,708 nights)*

The most important sectors include (by the number of jobs liable for social insurance contributions excluding commerce, the construction and the public sector):

  • the metal industry including mechanical engineering
  • the manufacture of fabricated metal products
  • automotive engineering including suppliers as well as the production of electric equipment

The innovative capacity is in comparison to the other regions below average, but lies with the dynamic index in fourth place.



Innovation Index of the region*
Overall index28,6 %federal state 38,8 %
  • Level index
22,8 %federal state 36,5 %
  • Development index
46,1 %federal state 45,8 %


Share of the employment in the different sectors**
Manufactoring 42,2 %federal state 36,2 %
Services 57,5 %federal state 63,3 %
  • commercial sector
15,2 %federal state 13,3 %
  • corporate services
8,5 %federal state 12,5 %
  • transport
3,5 %federal state 4,1 %

*Statistical State Office of Baden-Wuerttemberg 2015

**Statistic of Employment of the Federal Employment Agency 2015



Northern Black Forest
Contact person
Wirtschaftsförderung Nordschwarzwald GmbH
Jochen Protzer
Westliche Karl-Friedrich-Straße 29-31
75172 Pforzheim
+49 7231 154-3690
+49 7231 154-3691

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