The association SmartHome & Living developed out of an initiative that originated at the beginning of 2014. Members of the association are cluster-initiatives, innovation networks, technology and competence transfer centers, corporations, research institutes, universities and colleges, economy organizations, social unions and care facilities.
The Initiative “Smart Home & Living Baden-Württemberg”
The overall aim is to create a sustainable innovation network, within which relevant stakeholders out of the economy, sciences and politics together are bringing forward the topic of Smart Home & Living in Baden-Württemberg.
The focus is thereby on:
- identification and interconnectedness of the key players in Baden-Württemberg
- collaborations and corporations with regional initiatives and measurements
- Display the possibilities of new technologies to the demand side
- reduction of market constraints and market entry deterrence on the supply side
- development and testing of new business models
- information and clearing up of potential consumers
- networking with European and worldwide partners

What kinds of additional benefits does a membership offer?
A membership in the initiative Smart Home & Living Baden Wuerttenberg e.V. offers many advantages, for example:
- networking with stakeholders from different branches, technology and service fields
- relieved access to research institutes, universities and other institutions of BW
- regular information and experience exchange (press, homepage, newsletter, events etc.)
- increased perception of decision-makers from economy, politics and administration
How can I get involved?
Companies, institutions, networks, associations and research centres from Baden-Wuerttemberg can become members of the initiative Smart Home & Living BW.
Please do not hesitate to contact us!
Smart Home & Living Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 10
78052 Villingen-Schwenningen
Tel.: +49 7721 943 160
E-Mail: info(at)shl-bw(dot)de
Contact person
- Kontaktstelle Smart Home & Living e.V.
Bastian Inthasane
Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. 10
78052 Villingen-Schwenningen - Phone
- +49 7721 943-160
- Bastian.Inthasane(at)shl-bw(dot)de